Why is personal work so important to me? I guess I would have to start with the idea that comes from a place of self expression in which the image's soul purpose is to inspire and provoke without an end game. Interesting compositions to me are always fun as I love the ability to create images that lead the viewers eye and attention. And if I can get a viewer to think a little bit about themselves and the world at large I'm doing a good job. I was once told that one of the reasons why some of my images are so successful is because I am very focused on how the subject matter leaves the frame. I thought that was a very interesting observation, and a very true one. I am always paying very close attention on the corners of my frame through the view finder.

had another great shoot this past week for one of my favorite clients. The subject: Baby Boomers. It was a great shoot that was full of laughs. One of the reasons why I enjoy working with this client so much and why the shoots always seem to be so successful is because we create an open and fun environment for everyone working on set. I find both the talent and clients always work best when the mood is light and fun, with alittle bit of a care free attitude. I always try to maintain a professional situation for everyone I work with because we all have a job to do, but at the same time its great to be able to breathe, relax, and have fun while we're working. I feel its this type of attitude a key part in creating honest images that convey a genuine moment in time.